Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Prayer of My Heart

Captivate my heart and move in me to move others
Show me the path my legs must walk
Teach me love only from you, God
Bring me to my knees in awe of your glory
Release my insecurities and self doubt and fill me with you
Give me patience to wait on the right one
Use the little things to teach me monumental lessons
Let every breath I take be only for you
Be my reason for every situation
In trials be my fortress and stronghold
Let your word start a fire in my soul that cannot be put out
When I slip be the arm that catches me
In my failures may I find hope in you to carry on
Let me not be afraid to shout your name
Keep my heart and mind pure and focused only on you
Bring peace when I am troubled
Let me remember those who fought the fight and never backed down
When I am persecuted give me strength to glorify you
I pray that my story, my life, my prayer will be a testimony for others