Monday, October 19, 2015

What a month!

It is hard to believe that October is more than halfway over with.

What a whirlwind it has been.

I am sitting here looking over the scribblings in my planner of all the things that has filled my days and yet so much has not been written down because of their unexpected nature.

What has filled my days most is time spent working at Amazing Kidz. Five days a week I walk through the doors of a little church daycare greeted by children playing and several run up and hug my legs. They are always eager to show off new shoes, cool toys and awesome jumping moves they have created. But don't let this painted picture fool you. This job is a challenge for me everyday. A challenge because of stubborn attitudes, not sharing of toys and occasionally the child who bites or says a bad word. I truly love these kids but yet my heart hurts when I see parents not parenting and children continuing to act out as a result. God has set me in this little daycare to grow and learn as I get closer and closer to stepping on plane to Thailand.

My days are also filled with morning runs. My life has changed a lot this year and one way is how I look physically. For the first time in my life, I am able to run. What a freedom that is. I do complain every step of every mile but at the end I feel accomplished and I feel free. I am free from the bond of unhealthy choices and an overweight lifestyle. These runs have been so fulfilling because my dear dad has chosen to keep me company, and the conversations that have resulted during our runs have been theological, spiritual and all together wholesome. My dad and I have chosen to run a 5k race each month I am home with them. We want to use our running ability (however slow that may be) to be a blessing to others and run to help those in our community. Our race for October was the Hero Run and what an amazing time it was. We ran to support a local police officer who while serving our community was shot in the head. His life is a miracle as he is alive and healing. We ran with Marines, police officers, firefighters, EMTs and other community members. The beauty is how our community rallied together to be a blessing and support one of our own.

Of course my days consist of some measure of support raising and preparing to adventure off to Thailand. I have a deep appreciation and respect for missionaries simply because fundraising is a hard and a slow process. I have been around fundraising most of my life as my parents have done it time and time again and I have visited countless churches with them. Yet, I have never had to do it on my own at this scale. Woah... its hard. I have been so amazed at how God is working in the hearts of many. God is providing daily as I step out in faith. This weekend God provided an incredible opportunity for me to speak to ladies in our church about my adventure. I hosted a ladies tea complete with dainty tea cups and sugar cubes. Eighteen women came, enjoyed tea, delicious treats prepared by a culinary genius (and close friend) and got to hear about how God has called me to Thailand. It was a great opportunity to share and a fun way to do it.

Despite my busy schedule I am finding time to go on little adventures here in Springfield. I have embarked on an adventure to try a different local coffee shop each week. Today has been an enjoyable experience at Hebrew's coffee. I have enjoyed a pumpkin latte (dairy free thanks to coconut milk) and homemade hummus. So thankful for little adventures and time to blog!

Be blessed!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

To touch the past

The feeling of longing for what once was has crept into my heart.

The past is something once lived but can never be reached again except through cracked memories.

To only be able to touch those who can no longer be touched.
To run with the steady legs of a child in pursuit of a dream.
To hear the whispers shared between kindred hearts, locked deep in the vault of friendship, left to collect dust.
To escape into imaginations that created kingdoms and new world.
To be accepted because you were you and nothing else mattered.
To listen for a moment to families gathered around wooden tables laughing as the background music of night played.
To pier in on the crackled conversations between women in aprons and men with adventurous hearts.
To hear the rain playing melodies on the tin roof of a little red house.
To see the monkeys tease and play among yellow trees.
To feel the love of fellow sojourners living life together out in the bush.

This is the past I can no longer touch for it has become distant like a dream. Yet somehow it can be relived through the spark of a created thought.

I thought I would share a section of my journal with you all this morning. I have moments of longing for a season of life that has shaped the rest of my life. The things I have mentioned above are the images that played over in my mind last night as I my heart longed for the past. Maybe these images will take you back to the past that you miss, or maybe they are just empty words strung together to form delicate sentences that you can appreciate. Whatever the case may be, I hope you enjoy!
