Sure footed I step out on the wilderness path. The tall grass sways in shades of emerald green while the trees shade me from the bright sun. My hair blows in whisps around my face as I stand on the edge of the forest.
Deeper I travel into the forest inspired by its beauty and compelled by a longing for adventure.
The sun almost hidden by the intertwining leaves and branches of the canopy above. The deeper I go, the darker it becomes. I turn looking around as I realize the birds have become silent and life has become still.
A chill starting from my spine fills my body as the darkness engulfs me. Somehow the darkness leaves my eyes open to a swirling fog entangling my feet. It is as if the darkness wants me to witness the upheaval I am helpless to resist. Unaware of a violent disturbance that awaits me, movement has become impossible. The darkness has ensnared me.
The fog dances above my knees whispering offenses those closest have caused against me as if to suggest repayment will save me.
Deep emotions fight in dissenting opinions within my darkest soul. "HATE THEM!" "Forgive them!" "HURT THEM!" Love them"
The fog has climbed around my waist and surrounds the forest. Emotions exploding dark colors within my soul that as they reach my eyes they flow down my face clear. The color of emptiness.
My heart utters forgiveness as my head screams revenge.
The fog touches my neck with its long spindly fingers. Again darkness whispers my name. Choking me with lies of freedom if I choice its path.
My heart racing as my choices are revealed. To chose to be fully engulfed by the fog and be driven to revenge, hatred and darkness. or to chose a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness.
The battle continues to rage between my mind and my heart. My head claiming revenge is a reward of enslavement as my heart cries out for the freedom of forgiveness. The endless tug-of-war persistent.
The fog gently touches my lips trying to force my answer. Barely audible a voice from within breathes, "forgiveness".
Darkness screams with piercing range for it knows it has lost.
A soft warm light has found its way through the tangle of the leaves spreading its rays over my face. The fog suddenly retreats as the sun touches my shoulders and neck. The fog's grip is released as it chases after darkness retreating.
The light wraps around me in its embrace expelling all remaining chill from my body and gently guides me out from within the belly of the forest.
On the edge of the forest I see another wanderer becoming lost by all that glitters; knowing all too well what lies ahead.