Saturday, June 17, 2017

Be Love, Take Love, Spread Love.

If you are like me, you try to avoid watching the news as much as possible. I simply cannot stand all the negativity. I have been told that I am naïve for not watching the news and keeping up with what is happening in our world. Honestly, I am okay with that. I know our world is full of bad people doing bad things but it doesn’t mean that I have to saturate my mind and spirit with it all. I cannot bare to listen to the gossip, speculation, debates, and arguments that comes along with an hour of televised news. It is just exhausting.

I think we focus too much on trying to butt our opinions and views into an already messy situation that we make it more messy and complicated. Despite your political views, religious views or strong opinions, we are hurting our world more by trying to fix everybody else, make them see how it should be, and sticking our noses in where they don’t belong.

There is a saying that “Love Wins”. Well friends, I certainly am not seeing that in our world today. We are letting hate win, violence win, anger win, and bitterness win. One of the biggest ways I believe that we are doing this is by letting it be broadcasted by every news source possible. We are letting the bad guys win by giving them the attention they want. I rarely see good news, where love, acceptance, humility and compassion win. We have been conditioned to accept the bad news, to need to hear the bad news and to wallow in the bad news.

I know that “love wins” on a large scale may not happen as we would all wish for it to happen but I know that even on the smallest of scales, love can win in our own personal lives.

So I choose love. I choose to love those who are different than me. I choose to stop arguing about politics. I choose to stop trying to “fix” people to be just like me and love them for who they are. I choose love over hate.

I recently bought a shirt from a company a friend of mine runs and it reads, “Inhale Love. Exhale Fear.” We have become afraid to love others. We are afraid of hurt, afraid of change and afraid of being seen loving someone different than us. That my friends is sad. It is so sad that we have let fear and hate creep into our lives so strongly that we cannot simply see that others need love just as much as we do. We need to choose to step through the fear and reach out in love.

Look out across your neighborhoods, towns, churches and schools and you will easily see how desperate people are for someone simply to say, “I love you for you.” No qualifications, no ifs, just love.  Love is a verb. We have to be love, take love and spread love. Love is baking cookies and taking them to your neighbors. Love is a listening ear when someone needs it. Love is a smile. Love is stepping out of our comfort zones to befriend someone who may not look like us or act like us.

I know that I am not perfect at loving others but I am so tired of waking up every day in a world filled with so much hate. If I can even for a moment shine a little love into someone’s life who needs it, then at least I know I am doing my part to not let hate win.

Love is hard but it is so worth it when it stops hate, fear, rejection, lies and the list goes on and on. I don’t know about you, but I chose to stand in love and do the best I can to show love to all people. We are all human. We all have blood running through our veins and that should be reason enough to love each other.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”- Mother Teresa

Inhale Love. Exhale Fear.

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