Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why so much?

I have begun a job at Plato's closet where people come to buy clothes and to sell their unwanted clothes.I looked out at the floor sets with the thousands upon thousands of clothing items and my first thought was of Kenya. What about all the the people in Kenya who have shreds of clothing. It broke my heart to think of the hundreds of transactions made to people who in reality didn't need a single item they were buying. What if a village of the most extreme poor from Kenya walked into a store like that. They would be so overwhelmed they would not be able to function but yet to us it is so normal. We think that we are not rich but compared to people who do not have anything we are like kings. It is a such a simple issue that can be fixed and yet no one does a thing about it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Glory of God

This past week a group of us went to Edisto Island, South Carolina and God reminded me of how majestic His glory is. God is an amazing God! This pictures I hope catch just a glimmer of the beauty of the nature God has created.

From the purple sunsets to every shell on the sand, God created it all! If this doesn't show how incredibly amazing our God is I don't know what will.