Saturday, February 6, 2016

Eino Nanu?

As I was going through some of my old files on my computer recently I ran across a paper I wrote in 2007 as sophomore in World History class. We were asked to write about what difference we want to make in the world and what we want our legacy to be. It seems perfect to share the week before I leave for Thailand! Enjoy!

Eino Nanu? (why me?)

            Why me? Why am I different from everyone else? I feel like if my life in anyway can bring people to Christ I have fulfilled my life’s purpose.  This world has strayed so far from God and those who know Him need to share his love with everyone they can.  My life does not need any special attention, I am not and do not want to be famous or in the spotlight in life.  I want to live my life quietly and without attention from the un-godly ways.

            The thing I love to do most is to do mission work, here in the U.S. and overseas.  I enjoy it because I am following God’s command to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)  I love to interact with people who don’t know Christ and help them learn about how to follow Christ.  It’s awesome to see how their faces light up when you take the time to talk to them and when you give them gifts.  I enjoy the sense of accomplishment in knowing I am able to be a witness to others around the world.

            My life as a missionary can affect the world by continuing the Christian movement in the areas I work in.  It can equip the leaders in the churches to send out local people to be missionaries, to reach those who can not be reached by white missionaries.  Who can in turn reach others and continue the chain reaction of reaching the lost.  If every person in turn reached just one person there would be a wave of Christianity through out the world.  God commanded us to go and leave our homes, our comforts and go to those who need the gospel like we need food and drink.  I want to impact the lives of people I am around which in a small way can impact the world. 

            I want my legacy to be one of a fellow missionary who labored for Christ and did everything to bring glory to the Maker.  I want people to remembered me not for the number of people I brought to Christ or my accomplishments but that I did all I could to reach the lost and help those who needed it most.  I want God to have al the glory and the honor in my life and I want Him to be totally in control in every move I make and action I take.

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